The culmination of over two years of thoughtful design and layout for wraparound paintings of each Dark Tower novel:
Glenn Chadbourne's New Stephen King Cover Series.
Glenn Chadbourne has been commissioned to create a complete line of covers for Stephen King's novels and collections. Glenn Chadbourne, a major artist in the Stephen King world, is recognized by Stephen King readers from all over the planet. His original art and books in association with Stephen King (The Dark Man, Secretary of Dreams volumes 1 & 2) are very popular.
Mr. Chadbourne is creating original covers for current and past Stephen King novels. Each cover also features original content on the dust jacket flaps from such guests as Rocky Wood, Dave Hinchberger, Scott Ian (of Anthrax), Bev Vincent, Robin Furth (The Dark Tower), Jack Haringa, Lisa Morton (President of the Horror Writers Association), Stephen King biographer Stephen Spignesi, and many others.